Difference Between White hat and Black Hat SEO

Difference between white hat and black hat SEO

Today in this Competitive Era we are well aware of Doing Proper SEO on our Posts to Optimize it for Search Engines Like Google. But Do you think, you are doing it in a Right way? Peoples usually ask me if the SEO is Dead or Something because of the large number of Google Algorithm updates. My answer to them is “Google is just trying to get Rid of spam!”. If you are on the right boat, you don’t need to worry about these Algorithm updates, but if you are in a boat having a hole in it and you are hiding it then believe me you cannot protect it and it will sink soon. Google Have Some Guidelines according to which only those SEO practices that are white hat will survive with these updates or else your website having black hat SEO will get drowned entirely.   Of Course, you heard me Right. There are a lot of Websites try to trick Google with Black Hat Techniques, even they get success in it, but that success is not for Long. Whereas a white-hat SEO website take times to get success and it is worth for a long journey. In simple words, Google Hate Black Hat and Loves White Hat SEO. Wait… Do you know what I am talking about? White-hat… Black Hat..! SEO. Are you getting my Point? Naaahh! Don’t worry in this Article I will explain to you what is White Hat and Black Hat SEO is. Stay Tuned! Difference between White Hat SEO and Black Hat SEO: Keyword stuffing:- Even though google penalized keyword stuffed content, it is still a common practice to insert as many keywords as possible. But you should always avoid keyword stuffing and use long tail keywords to avoid it in a better way. Title Tags:- Stuffing keywords in title tags to impress google bots can affect badly because google does care about the searcher. To avoid it simply write a proper description below the Title Tag related to the keyword properly.

1 thought on “Difference Between White hat and Black Hat SEO”

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